Your client testimonials advertising your business for Free

Shartra Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Your client testimonials advertising your business for Free | B2B marketing Tip


Boost Your Business for Free: The Power of Client testimonial on Website 

In today’s digital landscape, where businesses strive to stand out in the competitive market, the role of buyer testimonials has grown more significant than ever before. While many companies opt for hiring digital marketing agencies to handle their promotion, there’s an often overlooked strategy that can offer tremendous benefits without any cost: sharing your experienced story and feedback. 

It means a lot after the announcement from Google New Updates: Google Search’s reviews system and your website

Opening Business Opportunities: Your Reviews as Dynamic Advertising Tools

Am I understanding correctly that my reviews and ratings for a service provider can effectively advertise my business? 

Absolutely, you’re correct! Your reviews and ratings for a company can indeed serve as a form of advertisement for your own business. When you take the time to write and create a testimony for a service company, including your brand signature, it becomes a piece of content that gets published on the internet along with your brand or company name.

Most sellers have a wide network or community that they tap into for promotional purposes. By providing *positive feedback about their services, your testimonial becomes a valuable endorsement that they can share across their platforms. This kind of positive exposure not only benefits the service agent but also indirectly promotes your own business.

Potential customers who come across your Testimony may be fascinated by your endorsement and curious about your enterprise offerings as well. Since they’re seeking services similar to what you’ve received, they might reach out to you directly. It’s a way for your positive experiences to connect you with potential clients who are looking for assistance or solutions that align with your expertise. 

Example: A post-production company offers Photo & video editing services to professional German photographers. His client shared written feedback as a client testimonial to a service provider company. This post-processing business creates nice posts for showcase including:

  1. Write a nice thank caption
  2. Show gentle gratitude
  3. Mention the photographer’s business website link in the caption
  4. Share on multiple community & photography groups by their Digital Marketing company executive after taking consent from both parties.

The above task was done by another company & promoting professional editing company procedure,  photographer business was automatically promoted without any investment. This photographer’s website gets a free follow-backlink from a high DA client website.

Second hand, I am writing this story on my blog and talking about both 2 different companies. I can offer backlinks from my website but I have to take consent from both. Write a comment – Should I offer a FREE Backlink on the keyword: Photography website, professional German photographers?

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In essence, your positive feedback doesn’t just help the service agency build its reputation; it can also create a bridge between its audience and your own business. It’s a win-win scenario where your words of endorsement work as a form of organic advertising for your business while enhancing the credibility of the dealer you’ve praised.

The Influence of the “What Our Customers are Saying” Webpage on Business Promotion

Recommendations are a reflection of a customer’s experience with a product, service, or business. They carry immense weight in influencing potential customers’ decisions. Positive buyer testimonials can establish trust, build credibility, and provide social proof that your business delivers what it promises.

Many businesses invest in digital marketing companies to boost their online presence. These agencies specialize in creating and implementing effective promotional strategies. They consistently provide quality promotion through various channels like social media, content marketing, SEO, SEM, and more.

But did you know: you can further enhance your business’s visibility and reputation by giving testimonials and sharing your success stories?

How Your Testimonial Benefits Your Brand

When you share your genuine feedback and positive experiences with the digital marketing company or any vendor that you’ve worked with, you open the door to a world of benefits: 

1. Free Back-links on High Domain Authority (DA) Websites:

Many businesses provide space on their website or social media platforms for customer testimonials. When your feedback is featured, it often comes with a backlink to your website or business profile. This creates a valuable back-link from a high DA website, which can significantly boost your SEO and improve your website’s search engine ranking.

2. Enhanced Trust Value:

Your testimonial speaks volumes about the quality of service you received. When potential customers see that you’re satisfied, they’re more likely to trust the merchant. Trust is a cornerstone of business success, and testimonies help build that trust in the eyes of potential customers.

3. Increased Visibility:

Your rating and story might be shared across the company’s platforms. This exposure can introduce your business to a new audience, expanding your reach and potentially attracting new clients.

4. Engagement and Networking:

Sharing your experiences encourages engagement and interactions. It can initiate conversations with fellow entrepreneurs, potential partners, and even customers. This networking can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and other business opportunities.


Top 12 Tips for Writing Professional Client Testimonials to a Company

Writing a client testimonial for a company where you promote your business is a great way to showcase your positive experience while also indirectly promoting your services. Here’s a guide on how to write an effective story-telling:

1. Be Genuine:  Authenticity is key. Write from your heart and focus on your experience with the company. Avoid exaggerations or false claims.

2. Start with a Positive Introduction: Begin by stating how you came across the company and why you decided to work with them. This sets the context for your testimonial.

3. Highlight Specific Benefits:  Mention the specific ways in which the company’s services have helped your business. Whether it’s increased traffic, improved conversions, better engagement, or any other positive outcome, be specific.

4. Share Real Results: If you have data or statistics that demonstrate the positive impact of their services on your business, include them. This adds credibility to your testimonial.

5. Describe the Process: Briefly explain how the company’s services were delivered. Highlight any aspects of their approach that impressed you, such as communication, expertise, or responsiveness.

6. Use Emotional Language: Incorporate emotional language to express how you felt about the experience. Describe how the company’s services made a difference and how it made you feel.

7. Compare Before and After: If applicable, compare your business’s situation before and after working with the company. This provides a clear picture of the positive changes.

8. Mention Specific Person: If you had direct interactions with specific team members or employees, mention them by name. This adds a personal touch to your testimonial.

9. Connect to Your Business:  Towards the end of the content, subtly mention how the positive outcomes from working with the company have benefited your own business.

10. Express Gratitude: Conclude by expressing gratitude for the company’s services. Let them know that you value the partnership and the positive impact it has had on your business.

11. Include Your Business Name: Sign off your Client-testimonial with your name, your title or business name, and a brief mention of what you do. This subtly promotes your own business.

12. Ask for Approval: Before publishing, both parties need to agree. It’s a good practice to ask the company if they are comfortable with the witness and if they need any changes.

Remember, the goal is to create well-rounded reviews that showcase your genuine satisfaction while indirectly showcasing your own business. It’s a win-win situation where your ratings benefit both parties involved.

Taking Action: Writing Your Testimonial

Next time you work with a digital marketing company or any organization, remember the value of your experience. Take a few minutes to write a heartfelt endorsement detailing how their services benefited your business. Be specific about the positive changes you observed, the increase in traffic or conversions, and how their strategies aligned with your goals.

If possible, consider recording a video testimonial. Videos are engaging and provide a personal touch that written words might not convey. Your admiration could be featured on the company’s website, social media channels, or even in its marketing materials.

What do you do when you receive any negative rating & review of your company over any business directory or marketplace listing?

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If you want any help for transforming negative feedback challenges into Opportunities, write a mail to us or send your message on social official pages. #FeedbackManagement #TurningCriticismIntoGrowth

Share your Buyer Story |  Add worth to your presence

In the year 2023 where online presence matters more than ever, leveraging expression of esteem can be a game-changer for your business. By communicating your happenings, you not only contribute to the contractor’s credibility but also create a win-win situation for yourself. Free backlinks, improved trust value, increased visibility, and networking opportunities are just a few of the rewards awaiting you when you take the time to give back through testimonials.

So, the next time you see the opportunity to share your positive experiences, seize it. Your story could be the key to opening new avenues of growth and success for your business.


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